Clearance Forms
For the safety of all students and staff, and as required by law, all school volunteers, age 18 and older, are required to have two clearances: Criminal history (Act 34) and Child Abuse history (Act 151). Each clearance report is free and may be done by paper form or online.
Pennsylvania Department of Education states: “Under Pennsylvania's Child Protective Services Law, school volunteers who are responsible for the child's welfare or who have "direct volunteer contact" with children at a school (i.e., the care, supervision, guidance, or control of children and routine interaction with children) are required to have background checks.”
This law went into effect July 1, 2015, so all church and school volunteers who have direct contact with children must have these clearances prior to volunteering. This would include but is not limited to classroom helpers, library aides, field trip chaperones, etc. Copies of the forms are available in the office or are available online.
To register online, follow the links below:
Volunteer Clearance Requirements
Request for Criminal Record
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
To print forms for mailing, follow the steps below:
Go to:
Go to: Publications
Click on “Clearances”
Choose the following forms:
CY 113 form – Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
SP 4-164 form – Request for Criminal Record Check
Please note: Both these clearances are good for five years from the time they are submitted. If any individuals already have these clearances within the last five years, copies of both may be turned into the school office.
If you have any questions regarding the clearance requirements or forms, please contact the school at (724) 352-2221 or