Financial Aid
Financial Aid application requirements:
Financial Aid is available to those who qualify and is administered through the School Board. It is our hope that no one be denied a Christian education due to the lack of funds. However, financial aid is not to be considered a scholarship, but rather should be sought only by those in significant financial need.
By JUNE 15 each year, all families who are seeking financial aid must
a. complete an online FACTS Aid Assessment application and pay the $40 processing fee. The application must be completed online here.
b. apply for an EITC Tuition Assistance Grant from the Armstrong County Community Foundation. Applications are available here.
All applicants should forward a copy of the confirmation email from the Community Foundation to stlukeschool@stlukecabot.org This requirement applies to applicants who reside or work in Butler or Armstrong County. -
If a new family submits an Application for Enrollment after June 15, and the family is seeking financial aid, a FACTS Aid Assessment must be completed within 10 days of application.
Families who experience an extreme hardship (job loss, death of a parent, loss of a home, etc) during the school year may be considered for financial aid on a case-by-case basis by the school board.
All applications will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Sub-Committee. Meetings may be scheduled with applicants at the discretion of the Committee and/or School Board.
The Financial Aid Sub-Committee will consider several criteria in determining the appropriate amount of financial aid to be granted. These criteria will include the currently established guidelines, review of the FACTS assessment, the amount of financial aid funding available, and any special individual circumstances.
The Financial Aid Sub-Committee, in consultation with the principal, shall make financial aid recommendations to the School Board, which has the final authority to approve all financial aid requests.